We believe that wellness is a journey that can encompass more than just mental health counseling. That’s why we are proud to offer more than just counseling services.

Wellness Groups

Wellness groups are forming on a rolling basis. As a part of our holistic approach, we believe therapy should exist outside the therapy room. Once formed, our wellness group will meet surrounding an interest activity. Groups will spend one hour playing board games, kayaking, doing yoga, making pottery, rock climbing, walking, or whatever the interest of the group is. The group will then spend a second hour processing the activity afterwards with their peers and one of our therapists. Wellness groups are a great way to put the therapy skills you have been working on into practice and see how it felt to you and others. Join the wellness email list to receive once a month updates on when groups are forming and meeting.

Two people hike towards a large mountain
Group of people laughing while playing a board game

Wellness Activity Groups Offered



Rock Climbing

Board Games


Video Games


Team-building Games


Kayaking ○ Hiking ○ Rock Climbing ○ Board Games ○ Yoga ○ Video Games ○ Pottery ○ Team-building Games ○ Walking ○

Don’t see an activity you are interested in? Join our monthly email list to get notified of upcoming events and suggest one!

Trauma Informed Massage Therapy.

Yoga and Trauma Informed Massage Therapy is a client approach to body work.  This collaborative practice uses the knowledge of your body and restorative tools to reduce anxiety, stress, and fatigue through nervous system regulation.  Allowing the body to rest, relax, reset gives us the opportunity to hear the subtle cues for healing and advocating for our needs. Each session may use one or more modality as we begin to customize a treatment plan that feels most appropriate for your body.  

Trauma massage therapy is a specialized skill set and differs from therapeutic or clinical massage in several areas.  Clients do not need to disrobe.  They do not have to be touched nor do they have to allow me in their personal space.  Permission is the main component as we begin to reintroduce clients to advocating for their bodies and its needs.  Nothing is assumed and this gives the client the opportunity to say what they need, what feels good, what feels not so good, and offers a safe space to voice their needs. 

The main component of trauma-informed bodywork is to create a space for folks to slow down their nervous system, helping the client feel safe when the body begins to release repressed trauma energies.  This is a form of self regulating therapy.  Hyperactive musculature feels different from tension poor posture.  

Examples of possible history of trauma: Grinding Teeth, Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Muscle Spasms, High or Low Muscle Tone, Headaches, Sleeping problems

Trauma Informed Yoga Practices

Weights, a yoga block, and a dark pink towel sit on a pink workout mat.

Certified Personal Training

I use my knowledge of the human body to help release stuck emotions and traumas for folks that have a disconnect to their body. Occasionally I will recommend a gentle stretch or exercise movement to release or activate muscle tissues and as a way for clients to begin to reconnect to their body.

Windchime tree with different color beads hanging from the bottom of the tree.


A stress and anxiety reducing and relaxation technique originating in Japan that improves the flow and balance of vital life force energy to support healing. 

Reiki aids in healing by assisting people in becoming more energetically balanced-spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Schedule your free consultation today